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Category: Features

Grinding Wheel Holders

T-Tool has developed an economical line of grinding wheel holders for various precision CNC tool cutter grinding machines including: Anca – Hawema-Haller – Michael Deckel – Saacke – Schneeberger – Schutte – Walter – Other brands under development including Rollomatic. Please inquire for your particular application. Grinding Wheel Holder Catalog

Zeta Collet Nut System Video

You can watch a demo video of our Zeta Safety Collet Nut System on our Youtube channel. Click the Youtube link at the top of our website! Let us know what you think! “Das Original” – Do not accept anything less than the original Zeta system! Accept no imitations!

5-Axis CNC “SuperSpeed” Tooling

Since introducing the Zeta collet nut system, T-Tool has seen more demand for its high speed collet chucks utilizing the internal Zeta collet nut which eliminates the bulk of a regular collet nut. These high speed chucks allow for better overall performance especially on 5-axis CNC applications with extended lengths. Please visit our 5-axis cnc

CNC Lathe Tooling – Collet Nut Upgrade Kits

T-Tool USA is offering Zeta collet nut upgrade kits for Swiss CNC lathe tooling. If you have a Swiss lathe or multi-spindle CNC please inquire. With our Zeta collet nuts you will have a safer and easier solution for installing your tooling! For more information regarding our Zeta collet nuts please download our Zeta Catalog
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